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Magickal Winds & Numerology

What is your Magickal Number?

To calculate your magickal number you need to input your birth date, which your Magickal Number is based upon. Enter your birth date below

Select Your Birthdate:

Next we apply the same principle of your Magickal Number to your name. Using the Magickal Name/Number Table below you can determine if your name corresponds with your Magickal Number. Only your birth number determines your Magickal Number. So let's see if the numerological number that corresponds to the specific letters of your name matches your birth number (Magickal Number).

Magickal Name-Number Table

Second, we determine if your Name is magickal. Enter your name below to calculate The Numerological number of your name.

Enter Your Name:

Coming Soon. Numerology definitions of your Magickal Number and Name.